node wrangler
ctrl + t : 이미지 텍스쳐 하나 세팅
ctrl + shift + t : 네이밍된 여러 텍스쳐를 세팅
Alt + X : To delete the unused nodes in your material
Shift + Control + LMB : To add a viewer node
Shift + P : automatically create the frame
Shift + S : This will now bring up the swap menu, which is the same as the add menu.
Shift + Alt + L : modifying labels
Shift + = : To align your nodes, first, select them, then use the hotkey
/ or Numpad / : bring up the add reroute menu
Shift + RMB : creating a new reroute is to hold down hot key and drag your cursor across a noodle
Alt + RMB : You can lazy link two nodes together by holding down and then dragging the noodle over to the target node.
Shift + Alt + RMB : If you want control over which inputs and outputs will be connected then you can use the hotkey .
Shift + S : 노드 바꾸기
Ctrl + Shift + 우클릭 드래그 : 쉐이더2에서 쉐이더1로 드래그 하면 mix 쉐이더 해줌
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